Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I Got A Leibster Award!!

I got a Leibster Award!

A HUGE Thank You! to Sarah from Engineered Crochet for nominating me!

Blogging has been one of the most enjoyable pastimes that I've discovered in the last 30 years! It's a beautiful way to share your life with old friends and new friends alike, and it is a lovely avenue for sharing a craft or interest! The 5 blogs that I've nominated are ones that I think really capture that. They are great at sharing and lovely to read! 

Here are my 5:

1: Crochet Lounge
2: Andromeda's Fiber Studios
3: Unravel Me Designs
4: Ambassador Crochet
5: Apricot Corner

Here's how you CLAIM your Leibster Award:

1. Post about your win on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who presented you with the award.
3. Copy and paste the award button to your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Award to 5 blogs that have fewer than 200 followers that you think deserve to be recognized.
5. Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

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